English Unit 2 Outline
Here’s the English Unit 2 Outline:
I. Vocabulary
·(to) enter
·(to) arrest
·(to) investigate
II. Irregular Verbs
U1 – be | U2 – come |
U1 – become | U2 – cut |
U1 – bite | U2 – dig |
U1 – break | U2 – do |
U1 – bring | U2 – draw |
U1 – build | U2 – drink |
U1 – bury | U2 – drive |
U1 – buy | U2 – eat |
U1 – catch | U2 – fall |
U1 – choose | U2 – feed |
III. Grammar
Past simple vs. present perfect
·Past simple for actions that start and finish in the past and when the sentence
says when something happened.
·Present perfect for actions in the past that are still true now and when the
sentence doesn’t say exactly when something happened.
already / yet / before / just
·already and just go between have and the past participle
· before and yet go at the end of the sentence
IV. Working with words
Silent letters
·gh before t at the end of words like light, night and straight
·k before n at the beginning of words like know, knee and knife
V. Writing Skills
Components of a play script
·a list of characters
·describe where the scene happens
·write stage directions in brackets (parenthesis)
you may be asked to write a short play
script for the exam or at least to identify
the three components in one that’s
already written.
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